Lot Sampling Plans In DfRSoft

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Lot Sampling Plans Module 22 (single & double): DfRSoft provides two types of automated lot sampling plans : Hypergeometric method (N, n, c) where N is the lot size, n is the sample from the lot, and c is the number of sample(s) that are allowed before the entire lot is rejected and the Binomial method (n, c) "N not used". Two key values, AQL (Acceptable Quality Level), and LTPD (Lot Tolerance Percent Defective) values. OC Binomial and Hypergeometric lot curves plotting Probability of Acceptance vs. Lot Percent Defective (AOQ). Select N, n, c and AIQ obtain AQL and LTPD, and AOQ with confidences. This makes MIL-STD 105E or ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 Standards on Lot Sampling look easy and is much more flexible. Sometimes we are not sure about a lot and we would like to do more inspection or we may wish to take a risk and sample less but decide that if we do this and exceed a certain criteria, we might do a second sampling to decide whether or not to accept or reject a lot. In addition to the single sampling, an example is provided on using this tool for Double sampling which can actually reduce the number of single samples taken.